3 Apps and Gadgets You Can Use to Enhance Your Outdoor Experience
For the most part, the whole point of going on a road trip, especially camping during this trip, is all about unplugging. It’s meant to be a time when you’re supposed to unplug from your phone, the internet, or anything tech-related outside of the Infotainment system or old-fashioned radio in your car.
If you’ve seen shows and movies about camping, there’s a mix of it appearing peaceful but at the same time chaotic.
There’s some truth behind that; sometimes it’s nice to unplug and forget how ridiculous social media can be, or the constant bad news the media is dishing out, or even just let go of that expectation of needing to be reachable. But at the same time, it can be chaotic because you need to find your way, you might need to call for help, and you may even need to watch a tutorial or read instructions for something. Camping isn’t always as simple as getting a camper trailer and hauling it to the middle of nowhere just to sleep under the stars.
Sometimes, it’s a breeze like that, but not always. But regardless, there’s nothing wrong with using tech-like apps on your phone or even nifty gadgets to help make this experience more comfortable. In fact, it should be embraced because it makes being out there in the woods or camping site all the more comfortable. So, with all of that said, here are some gadgets and apps that can do just that!
Outdoor Navigation Apps
Getting lost in the wilderness is a thing of the past, thanks to outdoor navigation apps like AllTrails. The same can be said for those who aren’t just hiking but trying to drive and find their campsite (as Google Maps can help). So, while some folks will try to go more analog, such as using old-fashioned maps for both driving and for trails, these don’t always work that great; the same goes for compasses.
Sure, they are helpful, but if you don’t fully understand how to read them, it can turn into a disaster (like what you usually see on TV and in movies). But generally speaking, if you’re hiking, biking, or exploring off-grid, outdoor navigation apps provide peace of mind and enhance safety during outdoor adventures.
Portable Solar Charger
It can probably be too much (for some) to have a generator; sometimes, campsites will have electricity (if you’re using an RV), but it might not always be the case. But it’s great to have these if you want to feel like you’re off-the-grid, even though you’re not actually off-the-grid. Pretty much thanks to these solar chargers/ and solar batteries, you don’t have to worry about your phone or laptop dying.
Campfire Cooking Gadgets
So this could mean things like portable grills, camping stoves, and multi-purpose cooking tools. In fact, nowadays, you don’t even need to build a fire, gather firewood, or anything like that. There are even solar-powered ovens (ideal if you’re going to be in a tent). Camping and camp cooking go together; you absolutely need to have a small or even a snack like smores while camping. These just make it easier.