How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3
YouTube continues to be a regular part of life. It is a place where you can find virtually anything. Whether it be an old clip to fill your nostalgia fix, new content creators, or something else entirely, there is a little something for everyone.
What you may not have realized is that you can download YouTube videos and convert them into audio files. If you find a song that you really love that you can’t find anywhere else, this walkthrough can really prove beneficial.
Find a Converter
The great thing about this process is that you can find a YouTube converter in several places. There are a few websites that you can safely use in order to quickly convert your YouTube videos into MP3 files in a relatively short time.
The preferred method is to find specific software options for converting files. There are several trustworthy options out there that can be downloaded to Mac, Windows, and even Linux. Quickly follow the steps to install the software and you’ll be ready to start converting your favorite YouTube videos into MP3 format. Just keep in mind that your connection could play an important part in how quickly you get through the process. A slow or unstable connection can lead to pauses and interruptions, which can result in a far longer download time than you would get with a better connection. If you can, use an ethernet cable to make your connection more stable during these transfers.
Customize Your Preferences
When you begin the process of converting YouTube videos to MP3, you need to edit your settings. For the most part, the default for most software is going to be 192 kbps, which is pretty low quality but will provide a much faster download. If you want to make things a bit more high quality, you need to change up the settings.
Each software option is a bit different but will mostly look the same. Open up the software and go to “preferences.” Click “audio output,” find “output format,” and choose your preferred bitrate. You can choose what you want but 320 is about standard. You can also customize your file names to make them easier to read.
For the most part, the base settings will get the job done. It always helps to take a look and see what each converter’s settings are before you start. Worst case, you don’t change a thing and there is nothing for the worse. Besides, it only takes a minute or two to get through all of the settings to make sure they line up with what you’re going for.
Find the YouTube Video or Playlist You Want
Now it’s time to find the video or playlist that you want. Remember that these are audio files so you’re not going to be able to watch the videos that you’re converting. This is more ideal for specific playlists or perhaps live performances from bands that have not put out an official release for that performance.
This part is simple. Just go to YouTube and find the video you need. Click in the address bar, highlight the URL, and copy it. You can either click “control/command + C” or right-click to select “copy” manually. Just make sure that you have the link copied and ready to go.
Unfortunately, there are no mass converter options. If you have a whole playlist that you want to convert, you will need to go through each at a time. The more videos you are trying to convert, the longer it is going to take. That’s unfortunately how it is until a mass converter program becomes available.
Paste the Link in the Converter
Now it’s time to head back to your converter. There will be a space to paste your YouTube link in the converter. Depending on which converter you are using, you may even get a preview window that displays the title and a brief description of what you’re downloading.
If you are adding an entire playlist, then you need to click on the list icon that’s located to the right of the playlist. This will add each of the songs to the download queue.
Download the File
The conversion process may take a minute or two depending on the size of the file. If you are going with a playlist, it will also take a short bit of time to fully convert.
When the video has finished converting, you will be given a download link. The MP3 file will then download to your preferred directory on your computer, ready to use however you like. When you get used to the process, it will take but a few minutes to convert YouTube videos to MP3.